The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) came from the Quraysh kabilah, precisely a descendant of Hasyim. His father was Abdullah bin Abdul Muthalib, the grandson of Hasyim. His mother is Aminah binti Wahb who is a descendant of Bani Zuhrah, one of the Quraysh kabilahs. After his marriage, Abdullah traveled to Syam. When he returned from that trip, he died in Medina and was buried in the city as well.

    After a few months of the father's death, the prophet was born in the month of Rabi'ul Awal, 571 Masehi in Makkah, and with his birth, the world came to light. In accordance with the custom of the nobles of Makkah, his mother handed over little Muhammad to Halimah Sa'diyah from the Kabilah Bani Sa'd to be breastfed. He lived in Halimah's house for four years. After that, the mother took it back.With a view to visiting his father's relatives in Medina, the mother took him away to Medina. On his way back to Makkah, his parents died and were buried in Abwa', an area located between Makkah and Medina. After his mother died, alternately, his grandfather and uncle, Abdul Muthalib and Abu Thalib kept him. 

     At the age of twenty-five, she married Khadijah, who was forty years old. He lived with him for twenty-five years until he died at the age of sixty-five.At the age of forty, he was sent to be a prophet by God. It reveals to him the Quran that all humans and jinn are unable to match. He named him as the ultimet of the prophets and praised him for his moral glory. He lived in this world for sixty-three years. According to the famous opinion, he died on Monday of the month of Shafar 11 Hijriah in Medina.

    Globally, the prophetic prophet can be known through three ways:

1. Confession as a prophet.
2. Eligibility to be a prophet.
3. Miracles.


What the problem that Nabi Muhammad face ?
  • Prophet's rejection of the established social order in society.

Who the person that involved ?
  • Muslims and quraisy.

Why its happen ?
  • The principle of inequality of all human beings regardless of birth, tribe, wealth or skin color.

  • Persecuted Muslims of low social rank.

When its happen ?
  • During the prophet's administration.

How its happen ? 

  • Muhammad called the Quraish to apply good values ​​to each other by following the teachings of Islam and obeying Allah swt

            The issue that most irked the Makkah aristocracy was the Prophet’s rejection of the established social order in society. The principle of equality of all human beings regardless of birth, tribe, wealth or colour was viewed with alarm by the Quraish. They had created a hierarchy based on wealth and power; the leading figures used to congregate in Dar an-Nadwa, the council chamber of the Makkan elite, to discuss issues affecting them. Dar an-Nadwa was established by Qusay, the great-grandfather of the Prophet (saw), who had united all the tribes of Makkah and was proclaimed as their leader. Naturally, the call in which the poor, the slaves and women were given equal voice and rights was seen as a threat to the privileged classes. But that is precisely the function of the social challenge; it creates a breach in the ranks of the established order. The Makkah chiefs were not going to tolerate this.
While the majority of those who accepted Islam in its early days were the young and downtrodden, there were also several who belonged to powerful Makkah families. The Prophet’s own family was divided: Among his uncles, Abu Lahab was openly hostile and did everything to disrupt the mission of the Prophet.

            The matter of slaves was even more irritating for the Quraish. Sumayya, her husband Yasir and son Ammar were mercilessly tortured for embracing Islam. Bilal and Khabbab ibn al-Aratt, too, suffered the same fate. Sumayya, of advanced age, was tortured to death, becoming the first martyr of Islam. The Prophet’s proclamation that upon uttering the Shahadah no difference remained between the slave and his or her master was something the prejudiced minds of the Makkah aristocracy could not accept. Despite subjecting them to much persecution, the Muslims remained steadfast. In fact, it helped create greater awareness and brought them closer to each other.

            It is interesting to note that the Prophet did not use the platform of Dar an-Nadwa to propagate the message of Islam even though he approached members of the Makkah aristocracy individually. Instead, the Muslims used to gather in Dar al-Arqam, a house belonging to one of the companions. This was a clear rejection of the Jahili system and laid down the principle that its institutions cannot be used to advance the cause of Islam. Muslims struggling to transform their societies today need to bear this in mind; the ruling systems in Muslim societies have little or nothing to do with Islam even if they are run by Muslims. This is a point not clearly understood by many Muslims, including some leaders of the Islamic movement.



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