Our Profile

Name:  Raihana Auni Binti Razaman 

Matric Number: CD22047

Faculty: Computing

Age: 20 Years old

Place of birth: Kuala Lumpur

Education: Matrikulasi Melaka

Hobby: Doing Business


- Good Influence 

- Have a self confidence 

-Can speak fluently in public

Name: Nur Faqihah Binti Farish

Matric Number: CB22049

Faculty: Computing

Age: 20 years old

Place of birth: Kuala Lumpur

Education:  Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang

Hobby: Travelling 

Strength: punctuality, open-minded and can multitasking, capable to do many jobs at once.

Name: Nor Farisha Natasha Bt Roseman  Affendi

Matric Number: CB22102

Faculty: Computing

Age: 20 years old

Place of birth: Kelantan

Education: Matrikulasi Kelantan 

Hobby: Watching Netflix

Strength: Self motivated

Name: Nur Amira Sofea Binti Othman

Matric Number: CB22040

Faculty: Computing 

Age: 20 Years old

Place of birth: Kelantan

Education: Matrikulasi Kelantan

Hobby: Meditate with music

Strength:  Ability to work with different style and approaches

Name: Nurul Atiqah Binti Mohd Sabri

Matric Number: FA22002

Faculty:  Manufacturing engineering technology and mechatronics

Age: 21 Years old

Place of birth: Pahang

Education: Mara High Skill College Kuantan Pahang

Hobby: Reading 

Strength: Very detail-oriented person, I like to complete my work by focusing on required details. I am also good at managing time and  easy to approach.

Name: Nik Nur Aina Binti Mohamed Yuzahemy

Matric Number: CB22081

Faculty: Computing

Age: 20 years old

Place of birth: Kelantan

Education: Matrikulasi Kelantan

Hobby: Read Novel

Strength: A patient and tolerant person
