The issue that most irked the Makkah aristocracy was the Prophet’s rejection of the established social order in society. The principle of equality of all human beings regardless of birth, tribe, wealth or colour was viewed with alarm by the Quraish. They had created a hierarchy based on wealth and power; the leading figures used to congregate in Dar an-Nadwa, the council chamber of the Makkan elite, to discuss issues affecting them. Dar an-Nadwa was established by Qusay, the great-grandfather of the Prophet (saw), who had united all the tribes of Makkah and was proclaimed as their leader. Naturally, the call in which the poor, the slaves and women were given equal voice and rights was seen as a threat to the privileged classes. But that is precisely the function of the social challenge; it creates a breach in the ranks of the established order. The Makkah chiefs were not going to tolerate this.

            While the majority of those who accepted Islam in its early days were the young and downtrodden, there were also several who belonged to powerful Makkah families. The Prophet’s own family was divided: Among his uncles, Abu Lahab was openly hostile and did everything to disrupt the mission of the Prophet.

            The matter of slaves was even more irritating for the Quraish. Sumayya, her husband Yasir and son Ammar were mercilessly tortured for embracing Islam. Bilal and Khabbab ibn al-Aratt, too, suffered the same fate. Sumayya, of advanced age, was tortured to death, becoming the first martyr of Islam. The Prophet’s proclamation that upon uttering the Shahadah no difference remained between the slave and his or her master was something the prejudiced minds of the Makkah aristocracy could not accept. Despite subjecting them to much persecution, the Muslims remained steadfast. In fact, it helped create greater awareness and brought them closer to each other.

            It is interesting to note that the Prophet did not use the platform of Dar an-Nadwa to propagate the message of Islam even though he approached members of the Makkah aristocracy individually. Instead, the Muslims used to gather in Dar al-Arqam, a house belonging to one of the companions. This was a clear rejection of the Jahili system and laid down the principle that its institutions cannot be used to advance the cause of Islam. Muslims struggling to transform their societies today need to bear this in mind; the ruling systems in Muslim societies have little or nothing to do with Islam even if they are run by Muslims. This is a point not clearly understood by many Muslims, including some leaders of the Islamic movement.


Solution 1

        Prominent figures used to gather at Dar an-Nadwa, Makkah's elite council house, to discuss issues that affected them. Dar an-Nadwa was founded by Qusay, the ancestor of the Prophet (peace be upon him), who had united all the tribes of Makkah and was declared their leader. Appropriately, calls for the poor, slaves and women to be given the same voice and rights are seen as a threat to the privileged class.

Solution 2

        The Prophet's declaration that when saying shahadah there is no difference between a slave and his master is something that cannot be accepted by the prejudiced minds of the Makkan nobility. Despite suffering a lot of persecution, Muslims remained steadfast. In fact, it helps create greater awareness and brings them closer to each other.

Solution 3

        Nabi Muhammad ﷺ was distressed to see the suffering of his followers were experiencing and coupled with the fact that he was unable to protect them. He chose to focus on morals and rational judgment instead of the use of force which certainly invites more misery. Islam spread to all the tribes of Quraysh without any extreme reaction that stemmed from the loyalty of the tribes. This far-sighted element is the basis of the leadership strategy for the sake of reformation.


This T-Chart is the analysis on the solution that Nabi Muhammad SAW used to solve the social problem during his leadership. We got some advantages & disadvantages on the way that Nabi Muhammad SAW used. So we over come the diaadvantages with the SWOT analysis to find the strength, weaknesess, opportunities & threats. 

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